Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Red no gadeee...

.......And, when I get there
It won't be far enough
I'm a renegade
It's in my blood
If ever I get there
It won't be fast enough
I'm a renegade
I always was........
(Renegade - Paramore)

...all is unbranded and under 200k...

How if everything that we wear is UNBRANDed? :-)
I agree with statement that saying 'the coolest one is not the expensive one'.
In my own thinking, it is so normal to have cool fashion items or another stuffs with expensive price. But if we can have it all with cheap price? Isn't it cooler? :-)
I don't even care about the brands, if it looks cute and eye-catching? Just take it.
But I'd say, sometimes we need some-branded-items. :)

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